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Lost Loli


An all-too-familiar sight of several people standing outside the toilet door greeted the trio as they left the screen room. A varied number of mixed responses, ranging from despair to annoyance preluded their eventual resignation to bring the number of waiting people up to eight.

"Can't say I didn't expect this." Carrie sighed.
"I'd say we should just ditch the line and head home, but I don't think that's an option," Casey interjected with a shrug.
"This isn't fair! I told you we should've gotten an aisle seat," Cleo complained with a whimper as she squeezed her legs together tighter.
"Didn't you get up halfway through the movie?" Carrie questioned. "A teacup can hold more than you."
"I think you're being generous there. A thimble's probably a more accurate estimate." Casey joined in the teasing with a chuckle.

Cleo didn't even both responding to the baiting of her sisters and instead focused on making sure she wouldn't leave a puddle for the cleaners to have to mop up. Sure, maybe an Extra-Large drink wasn't the best idea she'd ever had, but it was justified! The movie was three hours long, and that's not including the advertisements that always happened before them. Besides, it's not like the others were much better off than her, or at least she hoped so. The location itself was at fault as well! Who's bright idea was it to only have six stalls in a place where loads of people are likely going to be spending a lot of time? Maybe she should complain...

... Or maybe not. It'd be too embarrassing to.

"Stand up straight. You're embarrassing yourself, and us," Carrie quietly ordered Cleo, who was presently hunched over with both her hands squeezing at her denim shorts.
"B-but-!" The girl in question tried to protest when she noticed that the younger members of the line ahead of them weren't even as fidgety as she was. With a whine, she slowly stood up straight. Her legs remained crossed as she gently swayed her hips side to side.

For all of Carrie's insistence, even she wasn't exactly being as composed as one might expect. The quiet tapping of her feet attested to this. Out of all of them, only Casey looked to be mostly unaffected by their current predicament. Thankfully, the line reduced by two after a couple of minutes waiting. Just the mother and her daughters ahead of them and then at least one of them could go in.

"Can't I go first? Please?" Cleo pleaded.
"No. You can wait," Came the curt response from Carrie.
"But I don't think I can wait!"
"It's your own fault, so you can deal with the consequences."

Cleo attempted to express her disapproval with a glare, coupled with folding her arms across her chest, but that was cut short as she let out a quiet yelp. Removing her hands from their defensive position was pretty dumb of her. Back there they go, and there goes the belt buckle, the button and the zipper on her shorts. A little better,  but still far from good enough. It's not like she could hide how full she was at present, since her top didn't even cover her midriff. Another poor idea, in hindsight, since the exposure made it harder to maintain control.

"If you keep squirming around like that your shorts will fall down." Casey cautioned.
"If I stand still there'd be much bigger problems," Cleo countered. The minor embarrassment from having the waistband of her underwear seen was nothing compared to sporting wet shorts, and having to call for a lift home rather than taking the bus. 

The next couple of minutes felt like hours to Cleo as she frantically tried to keep her tides at bay. Squirming lost its effect, so she changed to hopping from foot to foot, leading to quiet squeaks from her trainers. Carrie still fared slightly better than her, even if her posture had become more stiff and her glances towards the toilet door became more frequent. Casey mostly managed to maintain her composure, but even the position of her legs had shifted to being a good deal closer together. Finally, the line went down some more and the three of them were next up. Although none of them voiced their opinion, it was clear from the looks on their faces that they hoped it wouldn't be a much longer wait, for various reasons.

"Please...I'm at my limit." A teary eyed Cleo begged to be moved up in line.

Carrie considered her options before giving a response. It's not like Cleo was the only one of them that had to go badly.

"Fine...but I'm not moving just yet," She eventually responded, leading to a look of relief washing over Cleo's face. She silently hoped that the pair who went in earlier would leave at the same time so technically there wouldn't even be a need to switch places.

Time felt like it was passing at a snail's pace as the triplets eagerly watched in anticipation for the door to open. So close, so very close...
Why was it taking so long? Hurry up!
Did the door just-!? No, probably not...

A single person left the toilet and Cleo's glance immediately shot towards Carrie, who reluctantly kept to her agreement earlier and gave a nod towards he expectant onlooker. She didn't need telling twice as Carrie only just managed to step out of the way before being barrelled over by a rogue Cleo-shaped missile. A flash of pink decorated by purple hearts could faintly be seen above the dark blue of her shorts as she disappeared into the toilets. In an almost taunting way, a pair of women left the toilets shorty after Cleo dashed in, leading to a much more normal (if slightly quicker) entrance from the two left waiting. Finally, it was over, and it looked like everyone got off pretty well, considering. No puddles to report... maybe.

All the waiting just made the outcome even better and, despite how Cleo had a jump start on the others, there wasn't much time between each of them finishing.

"Next time we're definitely getting an aisle seat," Carrie insisted as she washed her hands. "And you're banned from getting Extra-Large drink sizes, Cleo."
"It wouldn't have been so bad if I was allowed to go during the credits," Cleo retorted from her position over at the dryer.
"Any Superhero fan knows that there're always after credit scenes," Casey cut in as she dried her hands as well.
"Yeah, all of about five seconds or something. That's what the Blu-Rays or at-home streaming is for."

The debate about the benefits of home viewing continued even as the trio finished up in the toilets and left the cinema. Carrie remained uninvolved as her sisters voiced their respective views on the way to the bus stop. 


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