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Demon Slayer - Rediscovering a Need


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Rediscovering a Need

Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba fanfiction by MasterXploder

With thanks to Sake for editing



Dark. Moonlight. Cool breeze.


Nezuko did not understand anything but the basics. Sunlight is bad. Humans are your family. Only attack demons who wish to harm others. Maybe that was all she needed to know. It had worked for her for as long as she remembered, which wasn’t very long. It was a simple life, one with danger, but also a certain peace to it.

And yet, it seemed like there was something… more than that. Something buried deep within her mind. Faces she knew. Places she went to. Things she did. Emotions she felt. It was always there but just out of her reach, eternally tantalizing and frustrating her.

Maybe that’s why she was walking outside in the middle of the night, rather than sleeping to regain her strength and stave off her urge to feed. At least, that was one of the reasons. The other was to find some way to deal with the other issue that had arisen upon her waking.

A pressure of some sort, located not far above where her legs came together, had roused her from her vague, fuzzy dreams. It was an uncomfortable nuisance, pulling her focus away from the things she wanted to think about, like the boy who cared for her, or how nice it felt to sleep.

She had laid in bed for a while after first waking, hoping it would have gone away on its own or that she could at least go back to bed. However, the pressure only grew more uncomfortable over time, her hopes of a restful sleep fading with each wave pulsing through her. Her legs slowly rubbed together under the covers as it got worse, easing her burden but also ensuring she could never return to sleep like this.

As unpleasant as it was, Nezuko realized that it did not feel like a permanent pain. This pressure wanted to go somewhere, removing itself from her body, that was why it kept demanding her attention with each throb. She somehow knew she could rid herself of this pain, here and now in the futon if she so desired, then return to her rest right away. Yet Nezuko could not bring herself to do this, at least not where she lay. Something in the back of her mind forbade it, nagging her to go elsewhere first.

She didn’t understand, but this feeling proved too difficult to resist. Quiet as a cat, Nezuko had risen and stepped out of the building that the boy had chosen for shelter tonight. The light of the moon and her enhanced vision lit her way into the surrounding woods, with only the faint crunching of leaves betraying her presence.

Were anyone else around, they would have noticed Nezuko's walk lacked its usual grace, replaced now with a hint of stiffness. Her pink eyes took in the various trees and rocks, as if she was looking for one in particular, not that she knew why. It just seemed like she needed somewhere… good enough to do whatever needs done.

She hoped it would be soon. Being outside in the dark, It did not take long for her to note how cool the outdoors felt compared to the futon inside. Her bare legs and feet shivered in the chilly air, something that she always noticed but was never bothered by before. However, this chill seemed to make the pain worse, the source wanting out more than ever. Still, she refused to let it have its way, not this easily. Eyes lowered, Nezuko renewed her stride, keeping a look out for whatever she needed to fix her problem.

So focused on this, she hardly noticed when the endless view of forestry opened up just a tad, and a faint, calming sound filled her ears. She knew what it would be, but pressed forward regardless.

Nezuko now stood before a creek, at least a couple body lengths wide. The black water shimmered in the moonlight as it flowed quickly, splashing and crashing along the many rocks to create spots of white in the dark.

Standing near such a river was normally soothing to her, but not this time. As Nezuko looked and listened, an unpleasant tension built up inside her body, as though it yearned for something she did not want to give into, only getting stronger and stronger until…

Nezuko hissed as her entire body tensed up. A strange and wet warmth suddenly appeared between her legs, going into the fabric underneath her robes. On pure instinct, her legs closed and hands pressed into her groin to stop more from coming out. She succeeded, but it took more strength than she realized. Whatever wanted to come out was going to do it soon, no matter how hard she tried to delay it.

Growling into her muzzle, Nezuko turned around and walked away from the maddening waters, her body more tensed than ever. She kept marching, eyes darting everywhere for the thing she needed, every step bringing her closer to her release whether she liked it or not.

Her walking brought her into a cozy spot surrounded by bushes and trees. For some reason, this felt like just the place she needed for whatever was happening to happen. Nezuko tried her hardest to focus and figure it out as she lightly bounced on her feet, the frustration building as quickly as the pain below, until she suddenly stopped and opened her eyes wide.

A vision presented itself in her mind. A human female towering over her, her face blurred from the sunlight and fog of her memories. Where was this coming from? It felt familiar somehow, like she had known who this was at one point. Seeing her stirred up feelings of… something inside her. Fear? She felt the murmurs of being scared in this moment, and it seemed this person was the root of her fears.

But that didn’t feel right. As she looked at this figure, she could feel a strange warmth coming from it. It reminded her of the soothing kindness from the boy she traveled with. The figure’s mouth moved, and while she didn’t know the words, she could tell they were meant to make her feel that nothing bad was going to happen.

That’s when the person slowly and gently lowered down into an odd pose over the grass at her feet, rolling up her kimono and pulling the fabric underneath to her knees at the same time. Nezuko then looked down to find that her own body was much smaller and clad in different clothes. She felt her heartbeat racing and a strange resistance from her own body, but the trust in this person proved stronger, and she knelt down just like they did. There was only the sound of nature around them for the longest time.

And then she heard something new: a light sound of water trickling onto the ground, coming from the human herself. Nezuko wanted to speak or whine, not knowing what was happening, until she heard a second trickle beginning much closer to her. No, not just hearing it, but feeling it too. She looked down right away, her eyes opening wide at what she saw.

It was like a tiny stream falling from underneath her dress, clear but tinted yellow. It struck the grass with a little splatter, absorbing into the dirt at first but then forming a puddle that crept forward and made tiny bubbles along the way. A peculiar scent reached her nose as the puddle grew, letting her know that whatever this stuff was, she did not want it on or inside her.

Nezuko's eyes remained fixed on the sight before her. This act was so strange, making her feel so many different ways about it. It was inconvenient and messy, rooting her to the spot while she waited to finish, and definitely something she knew she shouldn't get on her. Yet it also felt natural, like this was exactly the right way to do it in a place like this.

She looked back to the woman for some kind of answer, only to find that she was no longer there. The sun had also vanished, and Nezuko was no longer the small and frightened creature. She was all by herself in the dark, letting out this water that had built up inside her somehow, feeling the annoying pressure slowly going away. In its place came a pleasing sensation radiating from her groin, making her close her eyes and let a long breath out through her nose in a look of pure contentment.

So she remained in this position, letting her body rid itself of this liquid until her stream fell away into a little dribble falling straight off her body. The pressure was gone, although it had left a bit of wetness behind that Nezuko did not like. Not entirely understanding her movements, she picked up a few leaves behind her and wiped the drips away until she felt just dry enough for it to not bother her.

With that, Nezuko was ready to stand and pull her garments back to where they seemed to fit best. Staring at the wet patch she made from above stirred up more of those confusing feelings inside. This one act gave her a sense of being closer to these visions and voices beyond the fog in her mind, and with it came a strange peace that she only desired more of. Despite this inconvenience and stress, she did not mind the idea of this act occurring again, though she didn't know when or if it would.

But before she could contemplate further, her eyes dropped as the urge to return to sleep came over her. Nezuko carefully stepped away from the wet grass and made her way back to the building and her bed. A peaceful sleep and more dreams awaited her, dreams that may one day become real again.

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