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The Omozone


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Our story begins with myself waking up groggily with my trademark enormous jug of coffee. Sipping said coffee, I peered around my house absolutely astonished at how fast having children over can wreck a well kempt home. I realized quite early that, as exhausted as I was from being way too social over the last week, today needed to be a cleaning day. I donned a pair of loose, faded jeans and an equally faded band shirt and got to work.

My home has quite a few rooms to it and every single one of them was absolutely trashed. The game room was sparkled with bits of wayward wrapping paper. The craft room was strewn with monster pieces, paint and various other gift pieces from the frantic work the week before.  The living room was a drink spattered hell hole filled with half drunk booze cups and plates that had never finished the migration to the kitchen. The kitchen was a powdered sugar and flour crusted wasteland from the nieces making cookies. Both bathrooms were an absolute indescribable mess, the kind only young children and teens can make. The office was the worst of it, since one of the children had managed to pull just the right wire to pull over my entire PC and peripheral setup the day before (no computers were harmed, but it ruined my impeccable wiring). I had no idea where to even begin...so I started with the easiest and began straightening the various rooms of clutter. 

This is a good time to note that I am very particular about two things:

1. As messy as I let my house get, when I actually get down to clean it, I leave the room perfect. Spotless. Immaculate. I improve the organization and the setup and will downright rearrange rooms sometimes while cleaning. I don't do cleaning days lightly. 

2. I HATE leaving things partially done, even for a few minutes...this has led to some incidents...

It took me about 3/4ths of the day to get the majority of the basic straightening done. By this time I had enjoyed a second jug of coffee along with a few bottles of Gatorade and the remains of a meat and cheese plate from the holidays. I had stopped for a potty break once or twice when I finished a room here and there, but hadn't gone for a few hours. When I settled to work on the bathrooms, I realized that I sorta needed to go, but figured my work was nearly complete so I held it and got to it. After cleaning, mopping and restocking both bathrooms I realized that I miiiiight have made a tiny error in judgement. I was at about a 7 out of 10 at the time. By no means desperate, but mildly squirmy and uncomfortable. My jeans were starting to feel a little tight and I pressed my thighs together from time to time, crossing my legs as I stood in a familiar and comfortable stance. 

Realizing I really couldn't go with both bathrooms recently mopped and the toilets still wet from cleaning I sighed dramatically to myself and set to the office to fix my PC setup. This involved lots of getting up and down, shaky stances, bending over, getting on my back under desks and lifting heavy parts as I rewired things from scratch. Like I said...I like things perfect when they are done, especially my PC rig. I couldn't just fix the damage, I had to do it over again to PERFECTION. The bending over thing gave me some pretty intense reminders towards the beginning, but as I worked it got farther and farther from my mind. The whole process took me about 2 hours and by the end of it I had gotten so lost in the work and fun of it (I love this sort of work) that I completely forgot needing to go...until I started in on the kitchen. 

I turned on the kitchen sink and put my hands under the water to start washing dishes and immediately was absolutely assaulted by my forgotten need. My eyes widened, my thighs shot closed and twisted around each other and my back shot straight. I felt like I was about to start piddling right there at the sink. After a few seconds the need sort of died down to a manageable level as these things often do, and I weighed my options. I wasn't unfamiliar with this particular quirk of my own physiology and psychology. After all I had been getting lost in projects for 30 years, so I knew where I truly stood on the danger meter. On the other hand...running water...

I stood there letting the water get hot with my hands dripping and my legs crossed as I thought about it. I didn't intend to make more cleaning for myself by making a puddle in the middle of my kitchen while I was cleaning and I wasn't particularly in the mood, being tired from the weeks festivities, but at the same time I gauged that I could hold it until I was done. About this time, my dog started giving me the "I gotta go out!" look. I glanced down at her and gave her a sympathetic "you and me both sister" before shooing her away and starting on the dishes. 

It took me about half an hour to scrub the cookie corpses from the dishes and the powdery ghost of the unborn treats from the rest of the kitchen. The whole time I performed the best "reverse rain dance" I could, shuddering and shambling my way around the kitchen with my legs intertwined whenever possible. With all the water running and warmth flowing over me it was giving my bladder all sorts of signals I was very much so against. I knew full well however that it was all a trick of my mind and that, as long as my attention didn't waver from certain muscles, I would be able to scamper to the toilet just fine when I was done. 

As I finished and turned off the water I sighed deeply, relaxing slightly at the reduced auditory stimuli and reveling in relief as a certain liquid receded back away from certain flood gates. I took about 3 steps towards the bathroom before my dog literally scared the piss out of me.

Now, don't get the wrong idea, Ammie isn't ferocious. She isn't big. She isn't aggressive in any way, but she can be LOUD. Like...feel her barks in the base of your spine loud. Like loudest part of the rave loud.  When you aren't expecting it...they are TERRIFYING. 

My beautiful, lovely, pupper decided to let one of these sonic bombs out in pure outrage that I wasn't taking her out first...right behind my back. 

I, of course did two things:
I made a noise somewhere between a scream and a whimper, probably best described as a loud "EEP".
And I peed. 

Not alot. Maybe a quarter second stream, but it was a STREAM. I full on peed my pants for just a fraction of a moment. I could hear it. I could feel it come out so fast and so forcefully that I felt it pool just a little before it dissipated into my undies. I felt it trickle down just a tiny bit into my inner thighs and I heard a soft patter of the few dribbles that managed to be pushed out so hard and fast that they went right through my pants. 

I redoubled the crossing, the squirming and the whimpering for just a moment before I got control and I gave my dog a glare that could erode mountains. I marched in place as I did, so I imagine I had disadvantage on that particular intimidation roll. A moment later I felt myself, and was pretty astounded to find that I really hadn't done that much damage. Due to the power of the clench and stream It sorta just came straight out without making much of a mark on my pants. Maybe a golf ball sized wet spot on the jeans and a very wet sensation against certain anatomy made me aware of my accident at all. I of course still had to go, but I was much more in control than I had been before the king sized leak. This is something I have since made a mental note to play around with as a phenomena~

My dog, for her part, just sort of wagged her tail and looked between me and the back door frantically. I sighed deeply for the second time today and giving in, I opened the door for her to go into the back yard, following her out. It was getting dark, and in my area its sort of a crap shoot right now whether or not its going to be literally freezing or short sleeve weather. I sorta lost that gamble...

Within a few moments of being outside I was shivering and the gain in control I felt from my momentary lapse in concentration was obliterated. I marched in place, hands at my sides tugging on my shirt as I hurried my dog. As I did, I noticed a few things. I have a lovely back yard. Lots of clean, bright grass. A nice private, tall fence. Two very indoor minded neighbors. A nice slab of concrete that formed my back patio...

As I hopped foot to foot, trying not to make a nice big puddle on the concrete below me, I wondered to myself... "Why don't do just that?" I didn't want to do laundry yet since there was already a load running and my pants weren't that far gone yet that I couldn't just put them in the normal laundry hamper, but there was nothing saying I couldn't take them and my...less salvageable...panties off and just...go. 

I looked around, moved to the edge of the patio with my heart pounding and made sure I was alone. My control was starting to slip now that I had given my bladder the preemptive signal that I was about to go, sort of like seeing a bathroom in such a circumstance. It only took me another moments hesitation to feel juuuuuust a little warmth return to my panties and I hurried to pull everything off. If I hadn't been wearing cleaning clothes with a nice loose waist I might have been telling a different story, but as it was, the omo deities favored me this day. 

In one motion I pulled. I squatted....and I completely lost control. 

Before I was even fully in position I was going full force. I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. I barely managed to save the seat of my pants and left a nice little trail of dribbles on the concrete before guiding my stream into the grass next to me. I sighed and moaned a little at my nearly involuntary release. It felt painful at first with the cold and muscle tension forcing it out way too fast, but it quickly became more relieving than anything else. It felt peaceful to relax in nature like that. The sound was luckily muffled by the tallish grass I was watering and I just sort of stayed there enjoying the moment. Contrived omo scenarios can get boring sometimes. It was a true delight to have endured such a struggle unintentionally. I went and went for what felt like ages with my little makeshift toilet going from dry dirt and grass to an overwatered puddle much more quickly than I would have imagined. I guess I really did have to go... I doubt it took more than a minute, but it felt like ages. Exposed, cold and just a little wet. I closed my eyes and relished the exposure even after I had finished, dripping off as much as I could. 

After another minute I pulled everything back into place, grimacing at the cold touch of my now frigid wet spot and went back inside. Tossing my sliiiiiightly soiled clothing into the laundry I settled in under a blanket with a story to tell~

Thanks for reading!~


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