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Lord Sake

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Done as a commission for ray of sting on Discord.

(The editor stopped letting me use horizontal lines so I guess we're rolling with ghetto lines from now on, yeet)


The sun had only just risen, the first rays of daylight filtering through half-open blinds to be deflected by the few parts of a resting aero’s metal body sticking out from under the bedsheets she was so comfortably wrapped up in, when the shrill cry of an alarm clock broke the early-morning calm.

With a quiet grumble Maggie got to work untangling herself from the soft warmth she didn’t want to leave just yet; but with all of her systems now gradually getting out of sleep mode and coming online again, she wouldn’t be able to get any more rest, and she needed to get up anyways to silence the device that had awoken her. So she rolled around until she was free enough to reach out towards the clock, but in doing so she got stuck on something and ended up completely missing her target and falling halfway out of bed, hitting her head on the floor in the process.

Maggie groaned in annoyance and lifted herself up, holding a hand to the spot that had come into contact with the ground and taking a moment to physically inspect the area – she could feel no external damage other than a shallow dent that might have been there already, and since no errors were being displayed on the interface through which she saw the world, it didn’t seem like anything was damaged internally either. It hadn’t even been all that hard of a hit anyways, so Maggie thought no more of it and removed herself from within the wrap of blankets, this time with more care.

And having successfully failed to collide with anything on her second attempt at getting out of bed, Maggie got to her feet and finally silenced her alarm before taking a moment to stretch out. She took note of what seemed to be a soft warm glow about herself as she went through the routine of ensuring her joints were all in good working order, the early sunlight bouncing off of so much bare semi-reflective metal standing in the middle of the room.

Only a brief moment later, satisfied that all was as it should have been, she stepped away from her bed and over to her wardrobe in search of what would be her outfit for the day. Keeping an eye on herself through the nearby mirror, Maggie sorted through her options, occasionally holding something up to her body to confirm how it would look, and eventually settling on an outfit – today, she had decided to slip on some simple striped underwear, and cover the rest of her body with a modest skirt and a similarly quasi-formal buttoned shirt. After another look in the mirror to confirm that she liked the results of her decision, Maggie left her bedroom to finish waking up and preparing for the day ahead.

To that end, she made her way to the kitchen, nearly-instinctively preparing a pot of coffee for herself and standing back to look around aimlessly while she waited for it to brew and considered her plans for the day. She already knew that she had nothing that particularly needed to be done, so all she needed to decide was how she wanted to spend her downtime.

She thought about it while the pot filled with coffee, and by the time it was done she had concluded that her time would be best spent wandering around town, checking out whatever seemed interesting as she came across it. Without any goals in particular, she figured, she would be able to enjoy some time off without having to worry too much about getting anything done. All she had to do was make sure that she was ready for a day out in town, so Maggie got right to work on her coffee.

As she poured the first cup, however, a subtle notification drew her attention to a gauge tucked away in the section of her HUD dedicated to monitoring her vitals – a gauge that wanted to ensure she knew that her bladder was 25% full, thanks to what had accumulated within her overnight. But acknowledging that fact was more than enough for now, since it was merely a reminder that her organic systems were healthy and working as intended.

Maggie simply took note of it as a potential issue to be dealt with later – it wasn’t bothering her or interfering with any of her functionality just yet, so she paid it no more than a passing thought as she took both the coffee pot and her filled mug with her to sit down somewhere she could comfortably work on her caffeinated breakfast.


It took only a little while for Maggie to drain the pot of its contents and be on her way, setting off on foot in an essentially-random direction in the hopes of stumbling upon something interesting – or, failing that, to just get some fresh air and take her time just seeing what there was to see.

And a little more than an hour into her walk, it seemed like she was going with the second option for now. So far, she hadn’t passed anything that was able to draw her attention and keep it for more than just a moment. She was sure she would find something eventually, but with no pressing matters at hand, Maggie could take as much time as she needed to either figure out something to do or decide she wanted to go home instead.

Her time certainly wasn’t infinite, though – or, at least, her monitoring systems for biological processes didn’t seem to think so. Hardly any time had passed since Maggie had left her home, and already she was being notified of developments in the fluid-management department. It seemed her bladder had filled beyond the 50% threshold for another alert, this one accompanied by a subtle recommendation that she keep her proximity to an available toilet in mind from now on – it even tried to inform her of the locations of known public restrooms in her area, as if to suggest that she may want to consider using one now, but she ignored it. This was just another informative notification, after all, built-in as a precautionary measure; an encouragement to relieve herself as often as possible to avoid putting unnecessary stress on the system.

She wasn’t even really feeling it yet. Maggie had more than enough experience to know that the real alerts would come alongside a feeling of fullness, and so for now she felt no need to take action, instead continuing with her stroll through town as if nothing had changed. Still without any particular goal in mind, she made her way down the street in whatever direction felt most appropriate, encountering many people trying to get wherever they needed to be on time; she certainly understood that sort of haste, which made it all the more enjoyable that today she had nowhere to be and no schedule to keep to but her own desires.

And without a destination or schedule, Maggie took her time and paid no attention to her location, instead just taking in the sights as she passed by and simply hoping that something would eventually be interesting enough to investigate further. Sure, she had plenty of things in mind for where she could go to do something fun, but she had settled on disregarding her navigation systems until she was ready to make her way home. Until then, Maggie didn’t need to know where exactly she was or where she was going – and didn’t much care for knowing either. If she ended up finding something on her own, then it would be a pleasant surprise; if she didn’t, she’d just go home after spending a nice day roaming around town.

Spending time away from home certainly had its consequences, though – before too long, Maggie’s bladder gauge was once again trying to get her attention, this time with a firm reminder that she ought to be searching for an appropriate place to urinate. With the little meter now reading 75%, it wasn’t hard to guess why her monitoring systems had once again interrupted her thoughts, random and unfocused though they may have been. Maggie certainly understood why the notification had appeared, of course, and it was indeed useful information to have; it was a good chance to take note of how her organic functions were doing and ensure everything was still working correctly.

Of course, she found herself to be in good condition, and after only a brief pause she continued with her quest to find whatever there was to find. By now she was in an area with plenty of shops, and as she continued on towards her still-undetermined destination, she was sure that she was passing by many a public lavatory, failing to investigate any further despite the notification she’d received mere minutes ago. It was not, after all, a particularly-urgent request – still just a suggestion, a recommendation that she consider taking action, and it still didn’t feel necessary to actually do anything about it.

So another alert was ignored, and Maggie continued searching; not for a place to relieve herself, but simply for anything that seemed particularly interesting. If, on finding such a place, there should happen to be a toilet in the area, perhaps then she would make use of it if only for convenience; and if not, she could track down the nearest available facilities once she knew what she was doing. But for now there was no need for her to go out of her way trying to find a restroom – and though Maggie was fully aware by now that her bladder was filling a little faster than usual thanks to all the coffee running through her body, she knew her own limits and so was confident that she had quite a while yet before she would reach them.

That confidence stayed with her over the next half hour, which, after the few hours she had already spent wandering around, was enough time for Maggie to finally become aware of the slight pressure her bladder was putting on its surroundings. Still dull – too dull to be a concern – but present nonetheless, and for a few minutes Maggie continued walking and mostly ignoring the easily-tolerable weight in her abdomen, only to stop for a moment when her bladder’s sensors returned a reading of 85% full, triggering another notification.

This time, not only did it inform her of the volume of urine within her and that this was near to her capacity, but it also gave her instructions in the form of high-visibility text occupying a more-significant portion of her HUD than all prior notifications:

Warning -

Urinary bladder filled to at least 85% of safe limit.

Voiding is required.

Proceed to nearest available toilet at earliest opportunity.

If no toilet is available, utilize nearest valid receptacle.

But even so, she dismissed the alert and carried on. After all, she had more than enough experience to know that her reported bladder capacity was well below what she was actually capable of holding – her “safe limit” was just an arbitrary number, the point at which her water-processing system would need to start putting in more effort. And besides, her need didn’t even feel particularly urgent yet anyways. It would develop to that point before too long, of course, but her being able to easily fill her bladder beyond 100% meant any such urgency wouldn’t be a concern until she had reached at least that point, and even then there wouldn’t be any significant problems for a little while afterwards.

So, though Maggie was being told she needed to seek out a bathroom now, she once again ignored it. She knew what she was capable of; she knew that locating a toilet wouldn’t be a concern until she had reached 100%, and so she didn’t need to, nor would she, do it until then. After all, her search for something to do could very well lead her somewhere with a restroom anyways, so it seemed more prudent to prioritize that, only changing her goal if she still hadn’t found something interesting by the time she got the 100% notification.

Though she did still keep the effects of caffeine in mind – her bladder’s fullness would pass the next few thresholds pretty quickly with the help of such diuretics, so while Maggie walked along looking for something to do, she made a note to try and prioritize places that seemed both interesting and likely to have easily-accessible toilets. But of course she didn’t concern herself too much with that, since anything worth checking out would almost certainly have public facilities anyways, so her search went on in largely the same fashion it had all day so far; after all, even with coffee filling her up a little faster, she knew she could still easily keep her bladder under control for quite some time yet.

Her body didn’t quite agree with her on that, though. The pressure in her bladder grew as it filled and expanded to accommodate more and more of the caffeinated urine flowing into it, and before very long at all, Maggie had to stop again.

She was in a quieter part of town now, a little bit away from most of the shops and the noise, not entirely sure about what her plan was supposed to be at this point; especially not with her next warning popping up a little earlier than she had expected. Maggie had filled up by another 10%, the same as between her last two alerts, but now it seemed to have happened twice as quickly. Under her skirt, bare metal thighs rubbed gently together as she acknowledged the newest message her bladder-monitoring system had for her:

Warning –

Urinary bladder filled to at least 95% of safe limit.

Voiding is required forthwith.

Proceed immediately to nearest available toilet.

If no toilet is immediately available, locate and utilize nearest valid receptacle.

Maggie shook her head and kept moving as soon as the notification was dismissed. Sure, that had happened sooner than expected, and the pressure and heat radiating from her bladder were now impossible to ignore and only getting stronger by the minute, but she could still hold it in. And sure, she seemed to be going in the wrong direction for anything interesting – or indeed anything at all that might have promised a public restroom – but she could still definitely wait until she found something. After all, she hadn't even passed 100% yet, and for as much as the coffee seemed to be messing with her bladder and throwing off her ability to judge its fill rate, that wouldn’t change her ability to keep her urine contained until well past 100%, so she could surely wait.

And she surely did need to urinate – but for as obvious as her rapidly-filling bladder’s presence was, it still wasn’t enough for Maggie to be able to identify her need as urgent. A little bit uncomfortable, perhaps, but she’d endured worse and knew for a fact that a little bit of discomfort was perfectly tolerable… provided she could ensure access to a toilet when the discomfort gave way to blind and wild desperation. Of course, she wouldn’t get that far today, but experience with that sort of situation lent her the confidence to say for sure that her bladder would hold out for as long as necessary.

So her walk continued, a little tense, but still as calm as ever. She wouldn’t have anything to worry about, after all, if she were to just press on and find… whatever it was she was looking for. At the moment that didn’t seem especially likely, considering her surroundings indicated she’d found herself in an area more residential than commercial, but sooner or later she’d end up somewhere lively again.

The lack of any public facilities in the area did very little to dissuade Maggie from continuing on her current path rather than turning around; nor did it encourage her to see if anyone who lived in the houses around her was home. Sure, she could go around knocking on doors to see if someone would let her use their toilet, but there was no way she would actually do something so embarrassing except as an absolute last resort. And she was not in last-resort territory yet. Her bladder was becoming quite the nuisance, but she knew that it could hold out much longer.

Even so, the weight and pressure only grew as Maggie walked, and just a few minutes after her last warning, she had to stop and once again rub her thighs against each other, now with a slight bend to her knees and the slightest wiggle of her hips. And while she did her little dance for a moment, she also made sure to read yet another alert:

Final warning –

Volume of retained urine has nearly reached safe storage limit.

Voiding is required immediately. Further delays may result in damage.

Proceed immediately to nearest suitable location for urination.

Of course, she knew that further delays would not, in fact, result in damage, but even so… With how insistent her bladder-monitoring system was being, and the slight aching feeling in the heavy organ itself, Maggie finally decided that seeking out entertainment was no longer the top priority.

She was on the edge of 100% fullness, she knew, and therefore absolutely could continue waiting. After how quickly she had reached that point, though, with the weight of so much coffee-turned-urine pressing out against the rest of her body and down against the opening between her legs, and the sting of need impossible to ignore, she finally shifted her focus to locating a lavatory for herself.

Fortunately, that was a simple enough task, and Maggie stepped aside to lean against a low wall with her legs crossed and ever-so-slightly jiggling as she ran a quick search through her GPS software.

Location search –


[Restroom][Public use] [Female]OR[Single occupancy]



She was left waiting for a moment while it processed the request, and then a quiet sound effect alerted her to its completion, accompanied by some new HUD indicators pointing her towards what the search had found. The one that most completely captured her attention was the one directing her to a place very nearby – just around the block, it seemed, and so she headed down the street until she could make the two turns necessary to head back up on the other side of this row of houses.

From there she had no trouble locating what her systems had identified as a public bathroom, only… The arrow that had been directing her was very much not pointing to any such thing. No, she had followed the directions and found that, not only had she been led to just another house, but that her software had identified a random corner of someone’s front yard as a restroom.

Maggie glanced at the spot with a touch of annoyance, shifting in place as she brought a hand up to tap at the side of her head before running the same search again. Fortunately, the faulty result disappeared and was replaced by a few more nearby locations. But turning around to check the nearest one showed that those were wrong too, with an indicator now pointing to what her GPS thought was a bathroom in the middle of the road.

Letting out an annoyed groan, Maggie put a hand up to her face and shook her head. It seemed that little bump in the morning had damaged something after all, and it just so happened to be the thing that she most needed to be functional – even if she didn’t need to find a bathroom, she’d still need to find her way home, which was going to be quite the task without knowing where she was or being able to get proper direction.

But with the time limit her bladder was imposing upon her, she had no other choice but to complete her search the old-fashioned way. And so she dismissed the erroneous search results and, after taking a moment to wiggle her hips, set off walking again.

Unsure of where she was or where she was going, though, Maggie suddenly found herself significantly less confident in her ability to find what she needed before it was too late. She remained certain that she could wait quite a while until then, however, and so kept herself moving forward and looking around for anything that seemed helpful.

Of course, being in such a quiet part of town meant she was having a hard time finding anything, but at least it also meant that there was nobody around to see her walking stiffly and trying to keep her thighs as close together as possible. She even stopped to cross her legs and slip a hand between them for a moment, coinciding with yet another message:

Critical alert –

Volume of retained urine exceeds safe limit by 10%.

Immediate voiding is required to prevent damage to organic systems.

Do not further delay urination. Improvise if necessary.

Maggie groaned and squeezed harder between her legs, pressing her skirt against her underwear and bouncing on her heels as she dismissed the notification and fought off the wave of desperation that had accompanied it. As soon as the heightened pressure receded again, she forced herself to straighten up and quickly look around to see if there was anything helpful in the immediate area – and, finding nothing, she let out a harsh sigh and continued walking.

But before long, with her bladder making its needs very clearly known, and each step unsettling it and maintaining a constant burning pressure that she could do nothing to resolve, she began to doubt whether she was even headed in the right direction. Things only seemed to get quieter as she shuffled her way down the road, with only the occasional passing vehicle indicating that there was any population to speak of in the area. And yet Maggie kept moving, unable to fully rationalize why she had not yet turned back, but at the least knowing that it would take more time than she had to turn around and find a bathroom somewhere more active. There had to be something up ahead, so she only had to hold it in long enough to find whatever she was headed for – a task that she was now realizing was easier said than done with a full pot of coffee still pouring into her bladder even after filling it to uncomfortable levels.

Worst of all, she knew her true limit to still be well beyond what she was currently holding, and yet the sheer speed with which she had filled up had been enough to make her feel as though she could lose control at any moment. Her panties were still spotless, but her skirt was worryingly tight and only seemed to constrict further with every step.

A few more notifications popped up as she walked along, and she dismissed every one of them with a groan and forced herself to keep moving. All the while, her posture worsened and her focus drifted further and further away from the search for a toilet and closer to simply not wetting her skirt as she moved along towards something.

Her eyes were damp and her hands were glued to her crotch when a sudden surge of pressure forced her to stop and double over, tightly knotting her legs together and just barely fighting off a leak as another intrusive notification appeared:

Critical alert –

Urinary bladder is dangerously overfilled.

Safe limit exceeded by 50%.

Initiating automated damage prevention protocols.

Prepare for imminent urination.

With a quiet whine, Maggie looked around frantically, bouncing up and down and furiously wiggling her hips in an attempt to buy just a little time; just long enough to find somewhere to hide. Or better yet… her gaze fell upon something in the distance, a little way down the road on the opposite side of the street. Maggie breathed a sigh of relief as she identified it as the entrance to a local park – more importantly, the entrance to a place that would surely have public restrooms.

So she forced herself to hold on just a little while longer, scraping together whatever energy she could to fight off the immense weight bearing down on her urethral opening from within, for at least a little while; just long enough to find the bathroom in that park.

Keeping herself tense and not daring to remove her hands from between her legs, Maggie made her way towards her goal while doing her best to keep the hefty ball of urine pressing out against her clothing from overwhelming her. With every step a little bit tried to escape, but with all of her power she kept herself sealed and moving with as quick of a waddle as she dared.

After a few agonizing minutes, Maggie found herself right across the street from the park, somehow still dry and trembling from the effort of staying that way. She stood still for only a moment, stepping from foot to foot and checking the road to ensure it would be safe to cross – and with her focus elsewhere, it took a little while for her to be certain, but eventually she hurried across the street and into the park.

Immediately upon passing through the gateway, she stepped aside into the grass and crouched down as another intense wave surged through her body. With one hand Maggie reached under her skirt and pressed hard directly against her underwear just in time to feel a large patch of moisture appear as a weak trickle filtered through her fingers.

She let out a distressed groan and wiggled her rear as she tried to keep the leakage contained, a stinging burn ensuring that she knew her body didn’t appreciate having even a moment of relief cut off like that. For a little while she stayed in that position, and when the wave passed she took a few deep breaths and carefully stood up with her knees together and feet apart.

A quick look around revealed nobody nearby to see the miniscule puddle between Maggie’s legs, so with the pressure at least somewhat contained she continued following the main path. She couldn’t force herself to stand up straight, and both hands were constantly tugging down nervously on the front of her skirt in an effort to make themselves useful without pressing her clothes against her now-damp underwear.

And each step only threatened to moisten them further, a torrent always just on the edge of breaking free, and sometimes even bypassing Maggie’s defenses as a few drops refreshing the heat between her legs. But surely she wasn’t very far from a public toilet, where she would at least be able to save her panties from further damage. Surely every trembling step was one step closer to relief, even if she couldn’t see any bathrooms ahead yet. Perhaps just a few minutes more…

Alas, a powerful spasm from her bladder made it clear that she didn’t have a few minutes. Maggie felt a burst of warmth leave her and trickle down her leg, and she knew that she couldn’t wait any longer. She needed to go now, so with no bathroom in sight she resorted to the next-best thing and ran blindly for the trees off to the side.

More and more trails ran down her inner thighs as she put as much distance between herself and the trail as possible, and when she found a concealed-enough spot her dam was mere moments from breaking. She only had enough time to lean back against a tree, spread her legs, and hoist her skirt before she lost control.

Maggie sighed deeply as her bladder drained itself through her underwear, her urine immediately saturating the fabric and flowing freely down to splatter against the grass and leaves underfoot. With a quiet moan she slid down into an unsteady squat as her pressurized torrent only seemed to intensify, the smell of now-discarded coffee leaving no doubt as to the cause of the unplanned rainstorm.

Whatever parts of her mind weren’t already lost in the feeling of relief were transfixed with watching the bladder meter on her HUD empty in accordance with the organ itself, the bar draining surprisingly slowly considering the speed and power of the surge from her metal loins. She wasn’t even paying attention to the hissing or splashing sounds she was making, concerned too much with no longer needing to carry around a full bladder to worry about being heard. And if anyone had in fact passed by to hear, they left Maggie to her own business for the minute it took for her to become empty.

For the full minute her stream’s power didn’t wane, only finally tapering off at the very end when the cascade rapidly faded away to a mere trickle of excess moisture falling from her underwear. It took another minute for that, too, to die down enough for Maggie to stand again, still dripping from between her legs but now confident that it wouldn’t be very noticeable. She carefully lowered her skirt and smoothed it out, miraculously having saved it from becoming wet and now needing to ensure that it would stay dry, before taking a few careful steps away from the lake she had created.

Maggie looked at the pool of urine for a moment, a proud grin sneaking onto her face until she shook her head and turned to head back to the trail. She stayed off to the side when she returned, looking around and giving the side of her head a few taps – she still had no idea where she was, and therefore her prospects of getting home relied on her GPS becoming functional again. As a quick test she ran another search for public bathrooms, this time looking for a place to clean up rather than for a toilet, and followed the directions to the nearest one.

This time, somehow, the directions proved accurate, and after only a minute of walking Maggie found a quaint little building, partially obscured by trees, bearing the signage indicating the presence of what she had been trying to reach mere minutes ago.

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