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The Omozone

Spooky stories before bed


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Do you like spooky stories?

I do. But in the same way I like spicy food, I know that there are risks.

Sometimes I get so involved in reading horror stories I manage to actually spook myself - you know the feeling? When you're worried that, at any moment, something scary's gonna happen?

Well - I managed to induce that in myself tonight. I'd been up until...about 3am I think? Just reading horror stories online. A couple creepy-pastas, some urban legends, watched some horror videos - in fact I've really dived into that whole analogue horror thing. You know the type, with VCRs and old TV recordings.

The video that seemed to spook me most was Local58's video, Weather Service.
It's really well done - and if you like horror, I fully recommend it - the whole channel really.

I'd watched it right before noticing that it was already 3am on a sunday night - right before a 9am lecture the next day.

Lying here now in bed, I'm sort of realising that horror's not the best idea - especially on a rainy night. Alone. In a relatively new flat.
That gave me chills the second I saw it. I knew then that I might have overdone it on the horror for the night. And now...I need the loo.

Before getting into bed I'd closed the curtains, and I'm a little embarassed to say I made a point of not looking at the moon again. I knew it was a full moon too, as if it needed to be any spookier. Though by this time I'm sure you wouldn't be able to see it, it's raining gently outside.

Now, lying in bed and hoping I can get some amount of sleep before class and facing away from the window (Yes I know, I'm a wuss, thank you), I'm realising that I shouldn't have had so much tea.
Don't tell me tea will keep me awake by the way - it doesn't. I don't know why, but it never has. Hell, too much of it makes me tired.

It might be warm in bed, but I don't feel too comfortable. Not just my increasingly noticeable bladder, but mentally too. Noises are making me jump - the wind, my flatmate in the kitchen, people in the street, or that cursed railway just outside. I'd - and don't tell anyone this - I'd made a literal yelping sound when a freight train had gone past barely minutes ago, and I'd pulled the covers up just a little closer to my nose.

Perhaps I should have left the light on - it's a lot scarier in the dark. There's...something ghostly by my door. Am I seeing things or...oh no, that's just my coat. I don't usually leave that there.

But then I also don't usually get this spooked either.

My bladder's become an issue though...It's full.
Not just a bit full, but I'm lying in bed, one hand holding the blanket to my face, the other one wedged between my legs, squashed between the fabric of my PJ shorts. I'm twisting my hips under the covers, trying to make myself more comfortable, trying to deny how bad it is. I can make it to the morning, I'm sure - I just need to fall asleep. I've never wet the bed before, and I'm not going to start now. I hope.

Or I should say - I've never wet the bed in my sleep. No I will not be going into detail.

But...lying here right now? I know I won't be able to get to sleep. I have to use the toilet, and it's getting worse. Normally lying down makes it a bit easier. And besides, I've got to bed with a fairly full bladder a number of times. The bathroom's only outside my door anyway, and there's a spare one upstairs. One time, before I'd moved to the flat for university - back home in other words - I'd managed to make it through the whole night after going to sleep with a decently full bladder. I'd woke up the next morning - I think because of how bad I had to pee, because it was earlier than I usually wake up - then tried making it to the toilet. After, you know, spending a good ten minutes on twitter. I did have to get out of bed because of how bad it was...but then my brother had been in the shower, we didn't have a second bathroom...I panicked, went back into my room.
And then by the time he'd got out, I didn't need to use the toilet any more. Instead I needed to use the washing machine and some carpet cleaner.

I...really should get up and pee. I can feel the solid lump of bladder with my wrist - I'm having to be careful how I hold myself. My hand is pushed into my body with my arm at an awkward angle cause if I bash it against my belly - Ow! Yeah, like that - I know it's just gonna get worse.

And...it's getting worse. Every minute, it gets worse. The pressure inside, like a whole ocean being held back by a shaky dam. The bathroom's only out side, like I say, but...

I can't get out of bed! I can't - I'm...spooked. Too scared. Don't laugh!
Every noise is putting me on edge, my eyes are darting around, trying to find the source each time. After the initial jump, I can usually tell what it was - maybe the drier in the kitchen (I don't know who does laundry at 3am. Strike that. I have done and will probably do so again), or the outside world, or...that one's another train. You should hear it with the window open...

I did try getting out of bed. I'd slid one leg out from the covers...only to retract it when I heard some other noise. And my leg got cold. Also...because I was too scared to put it on the floor. What if the boogyman grabbed it!?
Yeah - I know there won't really be one...but my mind keeps going 'but what if there is? Or if there's someone in the hallway? Or - worst of all - what if there are spiders!'

Just the thought makes me screw my eyes up and snuggle down deeper into the covers...but once I get still again all I can feel is my bladder. Well, that and scared. But...mostly my bladder now, I have to be honest.

There's no way I'll be getting to sleep moving around like this - my legs are writhing under the covers in a pedalling like I'm on some desperate unicycle. I can't bring my legs up too high though - the pressure just gets worse. I'm starting to hurt my hand from the pressure exerted by each thigh, pushing my fingers inward. I tried putting my hand in a fist, but it doesn't hold as well - you know? No, right now I need all my fingers on the front line...cause I think I'm gonna lose this battle.

It's really starting to get to be too much though...I can feel sweat beads forming on my head, and I can hardly breath normally and...oh no. I just felt...you know those shivers you get? Like when you really have to go? Those shivers are usually my wake up call if I'm playing a game, or reading something - they mean I have mere minutes to get up and to a toilet. They mean that using the toilet will feel great - but they mean I have...minutes maybe.

I let out an unintentional moan. It's too hard to hold it, I have to get up and go!

Again, my leg slides from under the covers and into the cold night air. The sound of rain against the window glass is becoming increasingly loud...just like...in the movies. Oh god. I can't do it - I can't get out of bed! It's always on rainy nights that something really scary happens! My mind flashes back to the videos I'd watched earlier that day. The image of Nature's Mockery - a sort of monster from the youtube channel Gemini - flashed through my mind. The long tendrils...the unnatural movements...the noises.
What if there was one outside?

My leg slides back under the pillows, and it's like my bladder knew there and then that I wasn't getting up. A second shiver - something I don't often feel - something I'd felt when my brother was in the shower. It really was now or never. I can feel my bladder even now - it's like the contents are getting ready to move. I can feel it pulsing slightly...I can feel it sticking out in my belly. I know if I looked down I'd even be able to see it - but I daren't move the covers too much, in case I make myself too visible...I really need to stop watching horror before bed!

It's getting too much now. The sweat is running off my forehead in beads and onto my pillow. I'm whimpering audibly, and I can hardly move my legs any more than rhythmically tensing my thighs and hoping...Oh no.

The first...leak. It seeps out of me and I can feel it immediately on my fingers. The fabric of my shorts changes texture and warms up suddenly. A bead of...I don't want to admit it - A bead of urine runs down my cheek and onto the matress. I moan again, clenching the blanket with my free hand. I have to get up now, I have to get out of bed now. But...I can't.

I gaze longingly at the door - worried that it could open at any second. I - OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT NOISE
It...It's my flatmate going back into their room. My body ran cold the second I heard his door opening - there's no way I can get out of bed!

But...If I don't...
Another bead has escaped me, following the same path as the first. Again I feel it push through between my middle and index finger, coating them with a short-lived warmth that then trails onto my matress. Now I can feel the texture of the matress beneath my backside. It's infinitely harder to hold now - my body's already begun to weaken, the dam holding the river back is beginning to crack...and I can't stop breathing so loudly! Each breath comes with it's own little moan - even biting into the blanket isn't helping now. I screw my eyes up tighter than ever and prepare for the inevitable...But I won't be letting it go. No, I'll hold to the last moment. My last stand against -

I hear a high-pitched squeak come out my mouth as my bladder just...tenses! It's doing it's own thing now! I-I-I didn't tell it to do that!
It's - It's doing it again! Oh no, oh no no no...

Something warm spurts out of me. The rain outside begins to die down a little now, but the rain inside...it's just beginning. It's just one...spurt - but it feels like so much more. My shorts immediately heat up and begin to cling to my skin between my legs. The tiny wet patch of matress feels suddenly warmer and larger...and I felt the whole spurt just go through my fingers like I was washing my hands.

And then the rain stops.

It falls silent, aside from my shallow and rapid breathing, accompanied by the occasional moan. Once again I can feel my bladder getting ready to pulse, and then -

No! I - Stop it!
It's not stopping! No no NO NO NO NONONO!
Pee begins erupting out of me - erratically surging and dropping in pressure as I fight back with every inch of strength I can muster up. Without the rain I can hear the hiss, hear the trickle! I can feel the jet as it surges into my palm through the fabric of my shorts. Each breath I draw in sees the stream surge in strength, as if the air entering my lungs is pushing directly onto my bladder! I have to stop it! I have to hold it! I push my fingers against myself and strain my muscles to hold back!

And...it works! The stream stops. The air falls silent again. I can feel tears lining the bottom of my eyes...and a different warm fluid coating my hand. I draw one leg up and hear my shorts squish. For a brief moment...it's fine.

I'm wide awake now, eyes staring dead ahead at my door. If I get up now it won't be too bad, right? A little wet spot on my shorts, a little wet spot on the bed...and my flatmate seems to have gone quiet. The drier's still rumbling in the kitchen down the hallway, mind you. I...I think that's making it so much more unsettling.

Dorcelessness? Why has that word come into my - oh. It was another video - Thalasin - striking my memory at the worst time possible...the sunken face, the fact the music had stopped in the video once the image had come up...I can't shake the feeling I'll walk into...that...outside my room. What if I opened the door and he was just stood there!? Or worse - the Loric face? That slit of a mouth... I couldn't get up now. I was too shook. At least I was safe and warm in bed...but my bladder tinged again and I knew it was about to get a whole lot warmer.

What else could I do now? I knew I couldn't make it through the night (evidenced by my warm, warm fingers), but at the same time, I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed. I have to find another solution - and quickly, before my bladder realises I'm ignoring it's warnings. I dart my eyes around the room, looking for something - anything - to use as...an emergency receptical....a toilet.

Maybe I should have left a gap in the curtains - just enough to let in the moonlight in - No way! That video told me not to even look at it! Sure, I know it's fiction but right now I'm too scared to not consider the possibility that it's real! No - I strain my eyes harder and look for something.

My teacup? Nah, too small - and I drink out of that.
My teapot? Nah, I drink out of that too.
There's...a red bull can on the floor. One of the large ones too - I've found my saviour! Ack!

No! Not now! My bladder's pulsing again - I've identified a 'toilet' - just hold a second or two more!
...It's like it heard me. It stops pulsing. I open my eyes again and lock them on the can. It's just across my room, on the floor beneath my chair - don't judge, your room's probably a mess too. I just need to get up and get it.

Just...gotta do that.
Just get out of bed.
Why...why am I not doing that?

The sound of wind outside breaks the relative silence and makes me freeze up entirely - ceasing the jiggling that my whole body appears to be engaged in. The wet patch on the matress is starting to cool now too, though my clenched thighs and hand are keeping my shorts warm. My bladder seems to pick up on my sudden fear and refusal to move...and I can feel it getting ready to squeeze again.

I...I know what's coming. I look over to the can longingly once more, then gently shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm going down fighting.

The first pulse. I moan a little as my muscles begin to move of their own accord. I manage to hold it back, but I can already feel the second on the way. My eyes begin to clench tighter and I push my fingers more firmly against myself. The second pulse is coming...coming...It's here! Another moan breaks through the silence, and this time my fingers warm up once again. I can feel my inner muscles making the familiar movements that would normally occur on a plastic seat over a porcelain bowl and with intent...but right now there's no intent - only protest. And yet the muscles are still trying.

The second pulse ends and I whimper again, biting onto my blanket. The third's already on it's way...I can feel it comING!

I hear myself whimper - loudly this time! But more importantly - I feel a hot surge of liquid erupt through my fingers! T-this pulse isn't dying down either, in fact it's - !!!!

It's getting worse!
A sharp hissing breaks the silence - now continuously - as my bladder becomes it's own master and begins to empty itself with fury! It feels like a tap on full blast into my open palm, pushing pee through my fingers, through my shorts, down my thighs and...into my matress. A sort of 'eeeeeeeep' sound comes out my face as I try fruitlessly to stop the actual jet of warmth currently pushing into my palm...But it's no use now.

I try to open my eyes, just in time for my back to take a humungous shiver of relief as I lose all control over my bladder. Pee is now just pouring out of me and into my bed. I can feel it's warmth coursing over my buttocks and soaking into the matress below with a very audible trickling sound. My whimpers begin to slow and become more like sighs as I let my bladder do it's thing, letting my legs and hand go limp as fresh urine washes over them. With my nose under the blanket, I can already smell the steam dispersing. It's not too strong - I'm well hydrated. Part of the problem, I suppose.

I let my hand fall away from my groin and into the puddle now blossoming around my hips. The side of my shorts has soaked up pee like it was a sponge, and now I can feel it spreading upwards and soaking into my pumpkin pattern tee-shirt. Pee is cascading down my legs still, carving a consistent path behind me and over my backside - or more accurately, half of my backside. The contrast is...noticeable, to say the least. The puddle is growing fast around me, I can feel it's surface rising and spreading - first my hips were immersed, then slowly upwards and downwards. Going upwards I feel it soaking my back, reaching up higher and higher until I feel the warmth around my ribcage and elbow. The hand once holding it all back was slowly being swallowed whole as the puddle begins rising above my fingers, submerging the tips entirely. Going downward is of course my thigh, gradually soaking it further down until my knee touches the wet, warm surface. Even before it did though, I could feel the steam underneath the blanket swirling around - warming not just my sides, but my belly, my other leg, and soon my whole body below the neck.

The rain picks up again and the trickling becomes less noticeable...I draw my hand out of the puddle and it joins the other, holding my blanket to my face. It - unsurprisingly - smells like pee. Which is still pouring out of my body and showing no signs of slowing down. Having a large bladder - sometimes it's a pain. Rarely, but sometimes. Right now, for example, I know that it's going to - wait, no it's already there. I can feel my hair pull ever so slightly as it begins to soak in...pee. My ginger curls take to the puddle like they were trying to drink it. I can feel beneath my shoulder - as the puddle begins to reach even that far - My usually wavy hair getting warm and losing their usual volume.

I've stopped moaning by now - the shock and relief have worn off a little. The initial surge of relief had hit me like a brick on the head. The warm shiver up my back had left a fuzzy, warm feeling throughout my body. That feeling was being replaced now by a more literal warmth - though only on one side. Even having regained my senses though, I'm not going to make any effort to stop. Afterall, the matress is already...you know. Soaked. Like the person in it. The wind outside picks up again...and I can't help but feeling, even with pee still coursing out of my body, that I made the right choice. The rock that was once my bladder is soft once again, but by no means is it near empty.


I open my eyes and look forward, deliberately choosing now to continue emptying my bladder. The soft trickle beneath the blankets is...surprisingly relaxing, and I'm starting to feel sleepy. Although that could be where I'm exhausted from holding in the ocean that is now soaking up into my pillow. I have to move my head up a little to keep it off my chin. The rain outside is getting stronger and stronger...and...I don't know how to explain this - it's really, really cosy. Not just the rain...the...well all of it.

The relief that swamped over me, the hot puddle that's still lapping against my skin and jammies as it continues to grow in all directions. The rain outside - already a cosy thing to me usually - is just making me...so.......happy?
Happy. It's....sooooooooooo nice. Wow. Warm.

It's still going, a-hah...Weaker now, a little - what was that sound?
Oh no...There's...not enough bed. For my puddle. It's, uh, pouring over the edge...onto the carpet. I can hear it pitter-pattering...now streaming a little. I just hope I left my shoes away from the end of the bed. I stretch out one leg - the one already in the puddle - to try and feel how far downward the puddle's gone. No use - my foot's already wet - I'm probably just making footprints on the bottom.

It's...a bit gross. To think that it's pee that I'm lying in, especially because...I'm, uh...so comfy. I shouldn't feel this relaxed, right? I feel like I've had a back rub - I feel relaxed and at ease, like all the stress is melting away. Or, I suppose pouring out. A clap of thunder rips into the night silence...and I hardly even react. I simply...feel great.

All the fear in my body must have escaped with the pee - because I feel at ease now. My bladder's begining to slow down now - the stream had been going directly against the fabric of my shorts (except for a break-away stream I could feel cascading against the bottom of my, er, bottom). Now it was tickling me as it poured directly onto my inner-thigh...and now it's stopped, merely trickling out of me. I can feel a lazy grin carving it's way across my face. I can't tell if my face is getting warm because I'm blushing or if there's just steam wafting over it. I...I don't really care, to be honest.

The little trickle has come to an end, and now the puddle is beginning to seep into the matress, lowering the water-level. I can immediately feel the skin get colder as the pee drains away and into the matress beneath me. I let out a very, very contented sigh. I'm almost disapointed now that it's over. I relax my whole body and sink into the matress - it's fabric coming to greet my wet skin like a kiss.

Heeh, a ha. Man. I pull my blanket against my breast - not my chin like before. The fear's gone and only comfort remains. Just...don't think about it being...you know, pee. Bodily waste. Gross, yeah - don't think about that. Just enjoy the warmth.


I let my still wet hand back under the blanket and it finds it's way between my legs again. I bite my lip gently and...tell my bladder to push. The warmth rushes back to greet my fingers once more for a few seconds, like a kiss goodbye from that comfy, comfy experience. My shorts wash over warm once again and I giggle. It's sooooooo comfy in this bed now...I just want to...push my fingers against my shorts. And rub...just a little. Mmm, yeah - that's....nice....

*                          *                           *

I know where you think that's going. Sorry to disapoint - but I was just too comfy to carry that out. Before I'd built up any effort I found myself passed out. When I woke up my hand was inside my shorts, still damp but far colder than I remembered. What had been so cosy the night before had become quite chilly now, save where my body had been lying still and keeping the heat. The morning light that was being cast through my thin curtains was glistening against my whole body when I threw off the blanket - which hadn't escaped un-wetted either.

Luckily the fear that had kept me in bed had gone now. In fact I felt a bit silly. I sat myself up, cross legged, and admired the sheer size of the wet patch I'd...semi deliberately left on my bed. It was cast almost top to bottom - over the bottom, never quite reaching beyond my pillow. My still wet hair clung to my neck and back. My shorts were clinging to my skin - my shirt too clung to one half of me like a hug that goes on too long. The smell...wasn't so bad as I expected it to be. Almost pleasant in it's mildness - yeah it's weird, shut up.

At least I didn't need to pee when I woke up like most mornings.
No, I was going to choose to do that this time.

I don't know why I chose to go in the bed again...

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