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The Omozone
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A collection of short stories made to answer a particular series of Omovember prompts.

Even though the series was started late and could not be finished in November, all 30 days will still be completed and compiled here.

Entries in this blog

Day 21: Wetting a swimsuit

“This is ridiculous.” “Oh, so now you’re having second thoughts, after we drove all the way here.” “Well, yeah, because I only just now really realize how dumb of an idea this is.” “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to try new things. This is new things. And it’s not like it’s anything dangerous or actually stupid.” “It’s embarrassing.” “Psh, you’ll get over it. Besides, if you just act normal you’re not really gonna draw any attention to yourself. Nobody will notice.”

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 19: Desperate and in need of assistance

Julie woke with a groan, rubbing at her eyes before retrieving her glasses from where she had left them hanging on her shirt collar and putting them on; she then blinked repeatedly and pushed some of her wavy black hair out of her face so she could take a look around. “Sounds like someone’s awake,” she heard from off to her left. Sarah glanced over at her for just a moment before turning her attention back to the road, speaking while keeping her eyes focused on what lay ahead. “Have a nice

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 15: Wetting on a dare

“Do you really have to film the whole thing?” Cassandra looked with a worried expression past the phone her friend was holding up after setting aside the water bottle she’d just finished. “Uh, yeah? How else do you think you’re gonna prove you did it?” “I can think of several ways.” Wearing only a white t-shirt and faded jeans, Cassandra sat on the edge of her friend’s bathtub with her legs crossed and feet fidgeting slightly. The other girl, leaning back against the locked door,

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 7: Need to pee while on a walk

Of all the days for there to be rain, did it have to be the one time Penny was entirely unprepared for it? Sure, she had a light coat, but only because she had been expecting low temperatures and maybe a little bit of wind – there hadn’t even been any mention of rain when she had checked the forecast in the morning. And now… Now everything was just getting annoying. She couldn’t get a ride home with any of her friends; her sister and parents were at work, so they wouldn’t be able to come g

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 6: Too busy to take a break

Penny groaned as she flipped through her notes for the millionth time tonight. She had landed herself in some serious trouble – she had an essay due at midnight, of which she had currently only finished half; and with her computer’s clock reading 23:35, she needed to come up with some way to put the other half together fast. She could do it, she just needed to focus. Easier said than done when she was bouncing in her seat, with her legs crossed and swinging under the table. She looked away

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 5: Drunk and desperate

“Saraaaaaah!” A tall, red-faced girl stumbled towards where her date was seated; and when she got there, her dishevelled dark hair fell in front of her face as she fell forwards to rest her hands on the table. Pawing at her hair in an attempt to get it to behave, she continued, “Sarah, I think… I think I’ve had enough… Le’s go home.” Sarah turned to quietly look at her for a moment; her swaying, the hair still falling into her face despite her efforts, her… visible bra straps where her over

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 1: Desperate in a vehicle

Emily really should have gone before getting on the bus. To her credit, she had tried, but by the time she could actually join the line for the girl’s room, it was too late for her to move more than a few spots ahead before one of her teammates had to find her and bring her back so they could leave on time. That wouldn’t have been a major problem, if not for the fact that a long hot day of running around and loading up on sports drink, with not a single break, had left her feeling positively inu

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

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