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A collection of short stories made to answer a particular series of Omovember prompts.

Even though the series was started late and could not be finished in November, all 30 days will still be completed and compiled here.

Entries in this blog

Day 29: Can't undress in time

Claire breathed a sigh of relief as she set aside the last of the now-spotless dishes, finally cutting off the running water from the kitchen sink and running a towel over her hands as she hopped from foot to foot. That had been the last of the chores she’d assigned herself, and she’d finished not a moment too soon – for hours now Claire had been carrying around a hefty pot of boiling urine in her belly, and in the course of completing all her tasks some had been squeezed out by her oppress

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 20: Deliberate planned wetting

Was there any better way to unwind after a long day of work than with a Friday night movie marathon? Claire certainly didn’t seem to think so, even though at the moment she wasn’t very unwound – if anything, she was more tense than ever. After four hours of watching film after film non-stop, it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Watching movies obviously meant lots of salty snacks to complete the experience, and of course that meant lots of drinking to take care of the resulting thirst

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 18: Peeing in a container

The lingering scent of Jade having claimed the room’s potted plant as her own certainly wasn’t helping Claire’s situation. An hour had passed since then, in which time Claire had gone out to check on the status of the restroom maintenance – and, of course, there was still no end in sight. Not that she was all that bothered by it, necessarily, but there wasn’t much of a chance for her to have fun with indefinitely-inaccessible bathrooms if she was stuck in a dorm room with her friend lying a

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 17: Potted plant pee

“That was fast.” Claire, sitting with folded legs on her bed, looked up from her book as the door closed behind her roommate. “Maintenance,” came the disgruntled reply from the returning German Shepherd as she dropped herself to sit at the edge of her own bed. “They say it’ll be done in like an hour or two.” “Ah.” Setting her book down, Claire reached out to grab the bottle of water on the closest nightstand and take a sip. “Why not just go to a different floor?” “Can’t. Apparentl

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 11: Locked out

“Hey, are you on your way home yet? … So you should be here soon, right? … No, it’s just… I kinda forgot my keys, so… … Back door’s locked too, I already tried it. … Nah, it’s fine, just get back as soon as you can. … Yeah. … Okay.” Jade dropped her phone back into her bag after hanging up, and then went to sit on the steps up to the porch while she waited for her brother to get home. Now she knew why she had left the house feeling like she had forgotten something. And now there was nothing

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 3: Peeing in the woods

“This should be far enough out of the way…” In the middle of the woods stood a cream-furred canine, shivering and fidgeting as she looked around to confirm her solitude. Her large twitching ears were picking up every sound nearby in an attempt to confirm that she was the only person around at the moment. Of course, Claire was certain that she was the only one who would actually want to be outside in this weather – it wasn’t unbearably cold, but whenever the wind picked up it was enough

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

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