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Monster Girl Doctor - A Night of Needing


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A Night of Needing

Monster Girl Doctor fanfiction by MasterXploder


With thanks to Sake for editing



Consciousness. Always the first sensation that Lady Skadi Dragenfelt was aware of whenever she entered the waking world. Others followed quickly, telling her everything she needed to know before her eyes even lilted open. The warmth of bedsheets across her tough dragonskin. The cool air and darkness of the night. The silence of being indoors. This told her she was resting peacefully in her bed chambers located in the heart of Lindworm.

Memories returned to her shortly after. A rare and fatal illness. A resolve to let it take her from this world, feeling that she was no longer needed. A doctor who refused to accept her resignation. A dangerous and unprecedented operation that saved her life, and some newfound feelings she never expected to have for a human.

Doctor Glenn Litbeit; she had been keeping tabs on him since long before he treated her. He had a knack for getting involved with monsters, particularly the ladies, stopping at nothing to help with their troubles, even if they didn't want it. So determined, yet so oblivious to the chronic illness he spreads to each and every girl. Even her, it seemed…


The faintest of exhalations left Skadi’s nose as she became aware of a discomforting sensation pressing from within her groin. More recent memories surfaced, such as having quite a bit of celebratory drinks the evening before, and neglecting to excuse herself before retiring for the night. She knew that as a dragon, her ability to endure a full bladder was far greater than that of most other species, so for it to be bothering her meant that she was approaching even those limits.

Going back to sleep and waiting until the morning would not be an option. With another soft sigh, Skadi rose from the comfort of her bed, the blankets sliding off and showing her many blue scales, white wings, and large golden tail. Scaly blue talons with sharp claws touched onto the floor as she stood up, her thin lacy nightgown with plain white undergarments reflecting in the moonlight coming through her windows.

Even these motions made the liquid inside her distended bladder shift ever so slightly, causing more discomfort shown only through the slightest wrinkle of the cheek. Skadi glanced to the door that led into her private bathroom, where a modern toilet could easily cure what ailed her bladder. It would be the most proper, private, and clean method of doing so, with only a faint tinkle and a flushing sound to indicate it had ever happened. The only one who would ever suspect it would be Lady Kunai, her most trusted personal bodyguard and assistant, but she would never speak of such a thing, nor would she want to in the first place.

She took the first couple steps in that direction, intending to handle this personal business of hers and get right back to a peaceful slumber, claws lightly clacking against the floor. However, she came to a stop shortly after, her half-lidded eyes opening further as she took notice of other sensations. She could practically feel the heat being carried in her blood throughout her body, every molecule of air against bare skin, and every single thread of her barely-there smallclothes upon her more sensitive places.

It seemed the doctor had more of an effect on her than she first thought. Skadi knew full well what these symptoms added up to, and suspected Glenn would have no trouble figuring it out. This was a state she had not found herself in for quite a long time; perhaps even before she founded Lindworm. It was perfectly natural for a mature female dragon to feel such desires within her, calling her to find and bond with a partner in every possible way.

But they stirred up one other desire within her: A need to let others know of her wish to mate. In days long ago, before the first dragons lived among humans and began to transform, there was one way for a female to express such desires to any willing males: leave a scent that no one could resist, dragon or otherwise. As it so happened, she was full of that very scent. Glancing down to the ornate floor of her large bedroom, she certainly had the space to mark as much as she wished. 

In all her centuries of life, Skadi had never relieved herself for such a purpose, always focused on her dream of peace between humans and monsters. However, now that she had achieved such prosperity and could think of what else she may desire in the world, maybe she could...

Skadi shook her head. What on earth was she thinking, urinating on her own floor in vain like a hopelessly lovesick girl? The doctor would never even be in here to witness or smell it. It would be a wholly selfish act done for her own indulgence, something she had not believed to have been done in decades… and yet, something about it felt so natural, so right, like it would be denying a part of herself if she didn’t allow herself to be selfish just this once.

“Forgive me,” she whispered.

Skadi’s claws were moving before she had made the choice in her mind. She first unclasped the golden collar on her neck, letting it fall with a clank onto the floor. From there, she gingerly undid the knot holding her nightgown together at the front. It was hardly there to start with, but it felt even lighter against her torso. Her hands hesitated for only a moment before pulling the gown from her shoulders and letting it fall behind her, lightly brushing it further away with a foot. The moonlight seeping in from the window illuminated her topless body, with its many blue scales glistening in the dark.

But perhaps sticking out more than that was a set of pink nipples protruding from her modest chest. As a draconess, Skadi normally had more control over her body than many other species in the world, able to conceal such intimate parts into her skin. If she desired, she could walk around the world without a hint of clothing and hardly offend any sensitive eyes, though she still remained clothed in public for her own reasons. Ever since the operation, however, they had a strange tendency to reveal themselves on their own, and being alone in her own chambers meant they could be as free to enjoy the night air as she wanted.

As liberating as it was, though, she needed to be more free. Her hands traveled down her midsection and hips, fingers wrapping around the sides of her undergarments. It took a little bit longer for her to begin pulling them down her legs, making sure they didn’t get caught up in any of her scales or the claws on her feet. These too were dropped at her side and pushed away, leaving Skadi in her most natural form.

Standing upright, she took a moment to reflect on what she was about to do. This would leave her with nothing but a big mess in her room, with no way of hiding it from Kunai or other servants should they walk in. Common sense screamed at her to stop this and use the facilities like the proud and noble draconess that she was. But she was alone, her thoughts filled with a special person, and her body governed by instinct. She wanted… no, needed to do this.

This drive guided her hands to between her legs, where the fingers happened upon their quarry. Like her breasts above, Skadi’s vulva was already withdrawn from behind a protective scale layer, though only by a slight slit with a hint of pink. This wouldn’t do for relieving herself, so she slightly bent her knees and turned them outwards while carefully pulling this slit to the sides, fully opening the way between her bladder and the ground below.

She waited for it to begin, heart quivering in anticipation. Her bladder begged for release, yet it wouldn’t come out just yet. Skadi wondered if she was just putting too much pressure on herself. If she thought of something else, then maybe it would relax her enough to let go.

She already knew what that something else was; or rather who. She closed her eyes and recalled their encounters together: Discussing business on a gondola along Lindworm's canals, him examining her in her room, lifting her up and holding her like a bride atop the bell tower, all fond memories that made her unable and unwilling to hold anything back.


As a golden name left her lips, so too did gold leave below. Her pee first left as a quick spurt, dwindling to a trickle for a moment before picking up into a mighty jet, splattering against the floor with a full volume of sounds. In no time at all, a puddle formed and spread outwards, its yellowed hue becoming more pronounced as she peed. Within seconds, the scent of draconess urine filled the room, a smell any male dragon could not mistake and certainly not resist.

Lady Skadi Dragenfelt, founder of Lindworm and leading figure of peace between man and monster, was urinating in her own bedroom. Even she couldn’t quite believe it at first, despite the sight of pee shooting out and beneath her along with the hiss from her nethers. If Kunai or any other servant were to walk in now, she would not know what to do. They would likely think she was suffering some kind of postoperative delirium, which may not have been too far from the truth.

But that didn’t matter right now, not when other feelings demanded her immediate attention. As inconvenient as it could be, the act of urinating itself was never unpleasant to her, but here it felt more than a little good. A nice tingle emanated from her groin, amplified by the volume of pee passing through. Her heart pounded warm blue blood through her body, making her feel not only heat but pins and needles all over. Her breathing quickened into light panting, and her piercing draconic eyes gained a slight haze as they closed halfway.

As she watched herself defile her room further, Skadi wondered what would happen if the doctor of her dreams walked in on her right now. This turned into why he would ever catch her doing this in the first place. She imagined herself in his office, standing just like this with him crouched in front of her. Would he be looking at the way it left her to check for any inconsistencies? He would likely even be holding a cup underneath to collect a sample for medical reasons. What if she couldn’t stop going after filling the cup? Would she stain his floors with a puddle as large as this one, filling his office with a musk that he could never fully remove? Maybe a little would splash onto his hands as well, meaning that a part of him would belong to her just as much as the office did…

“Ah!” Such impure thoughts made Skadi’s face redder than ever. If only the populace of Lindworm that looked up to her could see their lady now, so shameless and improper… but they couldn’t. She was alone in her own chambers in the middle of the night, free to indulge and fantasize and stain her floors as much as she desired.

That’s exactly what she did. Lifting her head, Skadi closed her eyes and let her mind focus on the relief of ridding herself of an aching pressure from within, the naughtiness with which she did it, and the sounds and smells that normally were a bother, but curiously pleasing just this once. Minutes passed as she kept peeing with admirable force and hiss, to the point she wondered if a servant was worrying that a pipe had ruptured somewhere.

Finally, her stream dwindled in power into a mere trickle dribbling straight down, the hissing and splattering sounds fading away. She remained this way for a time, until the trickle stopped completely, her bladder fully drained. Looking back down, Skadi was surprised at just how much she could hold within her petite frame. Anyone who came in would swear a centaur broke into her room just to pee on the floor. It may be the only excuse she could come up with once Kunai and the servants entered in the morning.

Coming down from the high of her mischievous relief, Skadi felt a pang of guilt for the servants who would undoubtedly need to clean this. They would surely forgive her, but perhaps she could assist them with the cleanup. It was no small mess, after all.

But that could come in the morning. Skadi’s eyes drooped as the energy she had moments ago seemingly left her all at once. She waited until the last remaining drips of urine still clinging to her loins finally fell to the floor before returning to her bed, leaving her clothing still discarded and privates still exposed. Her eyes lulled shut of their own accord and she soon drifted to sleep, dreaming of the man who inspired such a scandalous act.

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