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The Omozone
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About this blog

A collection of short stories made to answer a particular series of Omovember prompts.

Even though the series was started late and could not be finished in November, all 30 days will still be completed and compiled here.

Entries in this blog

Day 5: Drunk and desperate

“Saraaaaaah!” A tall, red-faced girl stumbled towards where her date was seated; and when she got there, her dishevelled dark hair fell in front of her face as she fell forwards to rest her hands on the table. Pawing at her hair in an attempt to get it to behave, she continued, “Sarah, I think… I think I’ve had enough… Le’s go home.” Sarah turned to quietly look at her for a moment; her swaying, the hair still falling into her face despite her efforts, her… visible bra straps where her over

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

Day 4: Desperate performance

“Is everyone enjoying themselves? … Good, very good.” Zavvari turned from one group to another, checking in on her guests with the same question every time. So far, she had yet to receive a complaint, and was working hard to keep it that way. She had recently returned home to Torval for a while, planning to leave after the holiday season ended – but for now, she was the host of one of the city’s many celebrations tonight. Khajiit of all sorts were mingling in her home, and enjoying her own

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Tamriel

Day 3: Peeing in the woods

“This should be far enough out of the way…” In the middle of the woods stood a cream-furred canine, shivering and fidgeting as she looked around to confirm her solitude. Her large twitching ears were picking up every sound nearby in an attempt to confirm that she was the only person around at the moment. Of course, Claire was certain that she was the only one who would actually want to be outside in this weather – it wasn’t unbearably cold, but whenever the wind picked up it was enough

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in World of Claire

Day 2: Desperate during sex

Elaria groaned as she crossed the threshold into her safe haven, carelessly casting aside her cloak and stepping out of her shoes after kicking the door shut behind herself. She saw Asrielle already standing there, waiting for her, and stumbled forward to fall into her lover’s embrace. Resting her head on Asrielle’s shoulder, she returned the gesture and mumbled some complaint about work. Her response came not in words, but as fingers gently running through her disorderly brown hair. The t

Day 1: Desperate in a vehicle

Emily really should have gone before getting on the bus. To her credit, she had tried, but by the time she could actually join the line for the girl’s room, it was too late for her to move more than a few spots ahead before one of her teammates had to find her and bring her back so they could leave on time. That wouldn’t have been a major problem, if not for the fact that a long hot day of running around and loading up on sports drink, with not a single break, had left her feeling positively inu

Lord Sake

Lord Sake in Modern

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